Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy July and an update!

Where in the world did June go? It went by so fast. We have been busy being lazy. We did go to a couple of the $1 movies...that was fun! We didn't have to get up in the middle of the movie for anything! We had only one drink spilled and absolutely ZERO tears. What!?! We went to the local splash pad. It was hot. We also had a great time there with no tears while we were leaving. We've told our kids if they have good behavior they will get to go back and have fun. If you cry all the way home while yelling," Go back! Turn Left and go back!" You will not go back. I will not turn left. Not that we personally experienced this last year while leaving the splash pad. Yeah. My sweet little boy wouldn't do that........Anyway. It seems my babies are growing up. It makes me so sad and so happy. They aren't clinging to their running around naked, screaming like a crazy person ways. They have become much more civilized. Well....more civilized than a hyper 2 year old. I'll take it.
So here is some of our summer adventures  in pictures. Enjoy.

My Sweetie Pie lost two teeth. That was as fun as um...pulling teeth. Her adult teeth were popping in behind her, hanging by a thread baby teeth, so I had to help pull them. This grosses out her daddy. So I got to be the one to fight the jerking head and screaming when I said, "Open your mouth" little girl. Her big sister was all about pulling teeth so she could get a dollar. Little sister, not so much. I waived a dollar under her nose so she could smell the money. She saw the blood on the tissue and panicked. After much pulling we were able to get it out. She's so cute without her baby teeth.
My Sweetie Pie is growing up. She has lost 2 baby teeth and her 2 top ones are loose.

Sweet Pea got a new earring. This girl is the lizard whisperer. She catches them, wears them as earrings, names them, and even gets them to fall asleep while laying on her chest. This girl...this girl! I love her adventurous spirit.

Of course, The Boy had to try it out too. Sissy wasn't as brave.

Hmmm...let me think. He wanted his hair spiked before he got his hair cut the next day.

The girls were making sure he knew how cute he was.

This girl. Seriously, if she can't make you laugh, give her 5 minutes. She'll come up with some shenanigan that will have you shaking your head and laughing until your side hurts. 

My babies. We went bowling. I beat my all time high score of 32. Don't be jealous. I walked away with a score of 70 something. I will not tell you what my 7 year old got. She may have beat us. I don't remember....

The kids play in the sprinkler often. I came in the living room to find clothes, a swim suit but no little boy. Thankfully, he was wearing another set of swim trunks and wasn't taking a shower in the front yard with a garden sprinkler. Ha!

We played with cousin E. We had sprinklers, little tykes cars, and water guns that I regret to inform you also doubled as a water bottle. At least it was fresh water they had in the bowl.

This was right before we left for the splash pad. They were stylin'! Be still my beating heart.

We also had Father's Day. My awesome husband, my babies daddy got a Tardis mug. If you do not know what a Tardis is. You must not be a Whovian. We may or may not be addicted to Dr. Who. 
Well this is summer so far. This week The Mr. has the entire week off and we have an entire week of fun planned. The kids and I are equally excited about it. I can't wait to post pics. Have a happy Monday and be blessed!

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