I'm linking up with the Time Warp Wife today for Titus 2sday! If you'd like, head on over there and enjoy! You'll be blessed!
I was reading in 2 Peter today. A particular scripture really spoke to my heart.
I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body, because I know that I will soon put it aside, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me. And I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things. 2Peter 1:13-1
Peter was talking to all believers in Christ here. After reading over this a couple of times, I thought this really applies to parents as well. How many times a day do we tell our kids to stop fighting, pick up your toys, stop running, etc.? At least, a million, right? Peter was telling fellow believers over and over about Jesus. The things he and the other apostles had seen first hand, the works of the Lord, be prepared for His{Jesus} return, etc. Peter wanted them to remember everything they had learned. As parents, this also applies to us. We should always have the word of God on our tongues. We should always be reminding our kids of scripture. I know, personally, that it takes more than just one time for my kids to really hear something. We can't just tell them a scripture or bible story once and expect them to remember it. We have to repeat it multiple times or else it's void. Repetition is key. Just like Peter said, I think it is right to refresh your memory. If we want the word of God to always be on their tongue and in their heart, we have to always have it on our tongues and in our hearts. Sometimes, that's easier said than done but it's not impossible. As parents, my husband and I, want to establish a great, hardcore foundation for our children. A foundation in Christ. I want to know that when they are grown, they will remember the scriptures my husband and I taught them. I want to have assurance that when I have gone to be with the Lord, that they will be fully equipped with the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. That they will always remember the lessons and the scripture that was taught. This is my prayer today, and everyday, that my husband and I will be obedient and plant seeds of God's word in our children, everyday of our lives. So that when we are gone, they will remember the word of God. This is a great responsibility, one that as of today, I will not take lightly.
I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday and may the Word of our Lord be ever on your lips!
Love in Christ,

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