Monday, January 16, 2012

Better Mom Monday...Week 2

I decided to do another post and link up over at The Better Mom. If you would like to link up and join in, just head on over to the website and you'll find every thing you need!

I really love the start of a new week. Like I said last week,  we have so much to be grateful for. It hasn't always been this way. I would dread getting up to go to work. (before kids, when I worked outside of the home.) Some days, even after the kids came and I was already a full time homemaker, I would still dread Mondays. I would think, what am I going to do without my support team(my husband) here with me. I can't do this. I, of course, made it through. But now, after really diving into the Word, I find my self anticipating every new day. Every night before I fall asleep, I'm thrilled with the start of a new day.  Every day is a blessing. Every day, I long to know our savior more. I want to do what he wants me to do. Some days, I know exactly what that is. Other days, I haven't the slightest clue what it is. I just struggle to get through, because, I can't take one more minute of fighting children and whiny hiney's!  Sometimes, I'm just firing off questions and rambling on to God and think, " Are you there Lord?" Then the verse Psalm 46:10 pops in my spirit: He says, Be still, and know that I am God.... And that makes me giggle. Because it's enough. It's enough to know that God is there, that he is the great I AM. Then, I think about how I tell my kids at least 10,000 times an hour,  a day to please be still and quiet for just a minute. Mommy, can only hear one of you at a time. Thank God, we serve an Almighty God who can hear us all at one time. I'm just human, but he's God. He can handle anything we throw at him. Whiny hiney' problem. Kids having a stuffed animal fight, after I just cleaned their biggy. Your son, filling the sink up with water and splashing to his hearts desire...probably makes him laugh. (After all, I probably should have known it was too quite!) Jesus said in John 16:33," I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Thank God, he has overcame the world. This is the peace and hope I cling to if ever I think, I can't possibly face another day. Guess what? You can. Put your faith in Christ, he will see you through! Take heart! He has overcome the world. Happy Monday to you!

Love in Christ,

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