Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy December!

Christmas is almost here! Well, it's closer anyway. My kids have a count down going on, only 24 more days. Twenty four because, you should NEVER count today. Right? Right! So we are doing an advent calender thing this year but, a little different. We are doing one Christmas ornament everyday with a different name of God on it. Cute idea right? I got it from Pinterest. I strongly like Pinterest. It's a good way to say, "If I had time, I could do that. I'll pin it, so I can remember where it's at!" Of course, this would only work if I actually got off Pinterest and made something I pinned. Crazy. :) So if you want you can go to my pinterest board's and see some really cute ideas. You know, if you have the time! :)

I finished up my hubby's Christmas and Birthday gift shopping today. See his birthday is just around the corner from Christmas. Lucky guy! He gets me and his birthday near Christmas. ;) So I wrapped most of his stuff and put it under the tree. I can't wait until he opens it. Hehehehe! I love surprises. Except when they are for me. Remember, I got caught for trying to gently shake a gift? Yeah, now I'm afraid to even try to look at my gifts from across the room. Ninja girl Sweet Pea will be watching my every room. My children are so nosey! I have no idea where they get it from!

We are going to be studying the human body after Christmas! This is something my Sweet Pea and Sweetie Pie are really interested in. They are all about trying to figure out how things work. And my sweet boy is just as curious, so it should be an interesting lesson, to say the least! I love that we can pick a topic and learn about it at our own leisure.

I just found out that a family we go to church may or may not be having a battle of Christmas lights with her neighbor across the street. I may or may not take the kids to her neighborhood to see the lights. :)

We are having a purse party at church for our ladies group. It's gonna be fun! Basically, we'll be playing dirty Santa with purses. Fun, right? And we're having breakfast/brunch. So much fun. :)

Target has got the cutest stuff. Don't you think? I mean Wal-mart is fine and all, but Target has got such unique stuff. You never can tell what you may find in their dollar bins. I bought some wrapping paper there today. It's so cute. Give me a Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks and some time to browse and I am in paradise! So much fun.

Well, I guess that's all the random fun I can have at the moment. I have dishes to do. And as my Sweet Pea told me when yesterday. "Your a mom, that's what you do!" Yeah, I guess so! ;) Happy December!

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