Monday, December 14, 2009

The most wonderful time of the year....

Indeed it is! I love Christmas and I love everything it stands for. I love that we have a day set aside to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! He is the most important part of Christmas. In fact with out him there would be no CHRISTmas. I love all the traditions, old and new, that we participate in. The part I don't love is all the running here and there, buying this and that, spending your life savings on one gift for one child, and on and on and on. People get so caught up in the material things in life that they forget what it is all about. I had to step back and catch my breath recently about this very thing. I realized that in less than two weeks it would be Christmas and then it would be over. Just like that it would be gone! Starting this week I have a list of things to clean, bake, buy and wrap.....all before Christmas. Thursday I need to get groceries(because there is no other time of any other day to do it!) and finish buying the last few gifts on my list. Friday I have to start baking for my goody boxes I'm making and also bake cookies for the 20-25 children at my Nannie's house for Christmas. In addition to this busy morning, I will also have to start the cleaning process of my house because more family is coming over Sunday night to eat. Friday is also my man's birthday! He will be 34!(Happy early birthday!) So late Friday afternoon/night we are going out for his birthday while Mimi and paw watch the babies!(Thank you Mimi and Paw!) OK so I really wasn't stressed about this because I love spending time with him! Then there is Saturday. Saturday morning I have to finish baking for the goody boxes, cook for the family get together on Saturday night, and clean some more....all while my hubby is taking his mom Christmas shopping. HA! Then we have the party at 6:00 Saturday night. Then Sunday we have church. Then we are coming home and getting the house ready for guests and cooking some dishes for another family party at our house that night. Whew. Then the next week we have yet another family party on Christmas Eve with more cooking and baking and cleaning. We will then come home open our one traditional present(new pj's for Christmas morning... a tradition my folks did with us as kids!)then off to bed and preparing for Christmas morning. Then there is the rush of opening all presents on Christmas morning. All presents opened and done in 30 minutes! Then one last gathering on Christmas night....with yup you guessed it more cooking. As you can see I was beyond flustered! I thought Christmas here and gone in two very fast weeks and I wasn't going to be able to enjoy any of it! Then I got a grip on the situation. I thought it will only be a burden if I let it be one. How many Christmas's will I have a one year old, a two year old, and a three year old? Only one, this one. If I will just take it one day at a time this was all going to be fine. Instead of being upset about it, embrace it! So I plan on cooking with my kids and letting them help with what they can and take plenty of pictures. The kids love to help me cook. I also love to cook. Thank God we have many opportunities to turn off the TV, turn on some Christmas music, dance, sing, and bake. Instead of dreading the upcoming get together's, I'm taking the time to breath it all in. I am going to try and talk to each relative I can, because let's face we are not promised tomorrow. Family is very important to us so why should I let other scrooges dictate how I feel about them? And on Christmas day we will make it last as long as possible. How? Well we will let the kids play with their stockings and the gifts that Santa will bring. Then we will eat breakfast. After breakfast we will open one gift, let them play with it for a while, and then move on to the next gift and so on. That way Christmas last for more than 30 minutes. We will also read the Christmas story...the real one, you know about baby Jesus! So as I finish up this rather long post, my point in all of this is that I will not be a scrooge this year. No, I'm going to embrace my family because after all this will be the only year they are 3, 2, and 1! This truly is the most wonderful time of the year!.....JFowler

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sweetie Pie turns 2.....

we are singing happy birthday to her!
(I think she is disgusted by it!)

Showing me that she's 2!

The Elmo cake I made!

My little Sweetie Pie turned 2 a few weeks ago and it seems so hard to believe! It seems like we were just bringing her home from the hospital. She is one of the sweetest little girls ever. She is so laid back(most of the time!) and can be a little mischievous at times! She is my little mommy. She is always trying to take care of a baby doll, a stuffed animal, or her siblings.(that doesn't go over very well sometimes!) God has made her a very compassionate and caring child. She is my little dimpled face darling! For Sweetie Pie's birthday we had an Elmo party. She absolutely loves Elmo. This year we decided to have just close family over for a party.(because I have at least 50-60 people just on my dad's side of the family!) This year I decided to start making our kids birthday cakes. It is a new challenge for me and I actually enjoyed it even more than I thought I would! Here's a few pictures from my Sweetie Pie's birthday party. Enjoy....JFowler

I'm a big girl mommy and yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus......

The words I thought I would never hear came in the form of a sweet little whisper from my Sweetie Pie: "Mommy I'm a big gurl, I not need no paci's!" What? Did I just hear those words? It has been a struggle(probably just as much for me as it was for her!)over the past few weeks, but we have managed to take away Sweetie Pie's paci! I was beginning to doubt this could be done. It made me think of little Virginia and how she wondered if there was a Santa.We tried cutting the tip of the paci off and giving her the paci and this worked....for a little while! She would magically switch the "broke paci" as she called it to a perfectly normal paci and how? I have no idea! The things they do never cease to amaze me! So after a few days, the "broke paci's" would disappear and new ones would appear. (This is a trick that I am certain Harry Potter would be proud to call his own!) So we are back at square one...again! Sweetie Pie is now two and we decided to bring out the big guns! That's right, we have decided to use the "you're a big girl just like your sister" tactic. Boy, where we wrong...again! (And the Marine Corps just thought they trained daddy for everything!) This worked during the day but come time for a nap or bedtime, nope! She so proudly informed us that she was not a big gurl and that she was a baby and needed her paci! Well now. What next? We decided to back her off her paci instead of quit cold turkey. So for 2 weeks she napped with no paci and woke up so very happy that she was a big gurl! Then there was still bed time. We were very happy to give her the paci at bedtime because, well....we were exhausted!(What can I say? You pick your battles and sleep just happened to win this one!) The boy was in the middle of cutting teeth and we were having a couple of rough days(Sweet Pea was sad that a certain rabbit was missing that no one has seen in well over a year or longer. And we all know how dramatic she can be!)so sleep and a few hours of quite where worth giving my two year old a paci! Then last night came and she so proudly announced once again that she "was a big gurl and I not need no paci" and to my amazement she went to sleep with no paci! I rocked her for maybe five minutes and holding her dolly she drifted into a sweet sleep. She was right she was a big girl and she didn't need a paci! So just as Virginia needed reassuring that there was in fact a Santa, I needed reassuring that I would survive the paci ordeal! Thank God Sweetie Pie is a big gurl and maybe, just maybe there is a Santa Clause....JFowler

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Things my children say....

Children have so many talents that I was unaware of until I had my own. Some talents come out at birth(the ability to throw up formula across the room, pee straight through a diaper,etc.)some come about when they start walking(playing in the toilet, eating out of the trash can,etc.)and most of them come out when they start talking. Today I would like to share with you some of the conversations that my husband and I have with two of circus clowns we so lovingly call our girls!
Sweetie Pie
Mommy: Sweetie pie you are 2 now! Yay you're a big girl. Do you know what that means?
Sweetie pie: ?
Mommy: That means no more paci's! Yay you're a big girl like your sister and you don't need that stinky paci anymore!!
Sweetie pie: (LAUGHS) I not a big gurl mommy!
Mommy: but you are sweetie! Give me your paci!
Sweetie pie:(running) No I NOT A BIG GURL!
Please Note: after chasing sweetie pie through the house I successfully retrieve the paci!
Sweetie Pie: (tears) I not a big gurl! I need to go to mimi and paw's house!!(And yes this is her favorite thing to say when she doesn't get what she wants!) Day 1 and Day 2 at nap time have been successful with no paci's!(I will check back in if we make it through Day 3!)
Sweet Pea
Oh, the things my oldest daughter can come up with!
Mommy, Mommy, come quick we have been captured by the mean King! His name is brother and He is trying to rule in the land of Big Sisters!

Sweet Pea: Daddy, Monsters don't poop!(hello, didn't you know that?)

Sweet Pea: Mommy?
Mommy: Yes sweet pea
Sweet Pea: I have someone I would like for you to meet!
Mommy: You do? Who is it?
Sweet Pea: Mommy meet my dog, her name is Sparky!
Sweetie Pie: BARK BARK
Mommy: Sweet Pea your sister is not a dog!
Sweet Pea: Mommy we are just pretending. She is my Sparky
Sweetie Pie: BARK BARK

And my favorite line she always tells us when something doesn't go her way: Everything is ruined! She cries and is quickly followed by her sister who copies her every move and her brother who is going to stand just close enough to make her scream at the top of her lungs! I must admit that I don't remember being so dramatic when I was a child(So of course I blame this on my husbands gene pool!)but my girls are so dramatic. I think that they would make perfect actress!(You know the good kind not the Lindsey Lohan or Britney Spears kind!) All this drama made me think of something. (Insert your own joke here!) I was thinking how God said that man(and woman)were made in His own image. Hhhmmm. Food for thought. Earlier this week I started reading the book of Jeremiah and if you read this book as if your were actually Jeremiah listening and talking to a visibly upset God, you would find that this was a very passionate book. I thought God was so passionate about His people all He wanted was for them to follow Him and turn from there evil ways. God is a passionate God. Think about it He doesn't do anything lightly. Examples are: The creation of Earth, The parting of the Red Sea, The ten commandments, The Great Flood, The virgin birth, Jesus. Sure there are so many more that I could name but it really does make you think. God is big. So I said all this to make my point, God is passionate therefore this is the reason our kids are so passionate. They were also made in His image. They are loving,kind, compassionate, beautiful,caring, and yes even passionate! So today I am thankful that I have to very passionate little girls! Until next time....JFowler

Thursday, November 12, 2009

the many talents of my children.....

God has blessed us with three beautiful children. He made them very compassionate, loving, funny, and he also gifted them with many talents. These talents are really amazing and I must say unique.(In fact I think God may look down on us every once in a while and laugh!Who said God doesn't have a sense of humor?) They have so many where do I start? Let's start with Sweet pea and her amazing ability to talk non-stop and never get tired.(She would probably make even the very best therapist want to change professions!) She even talks in her sleep. Sweetie pie has a very sneaky talent. She can be as quiet as a mouse. You would think I would appreciate the quietness but no, I don't. In fact when she is quiet, 99% of the time she is doing something she probably shouldn't be doing. For instance, earlier this week she was so nicely pouring Parmesan cheese on the side table in the living room so that she and her siblings could all partake in the eating of cheese.(at least they were sharing...right?) And then there's the boy with his sly smile(and he looks just like his daddy when he does!)and his no shame way of doing things. He just straight up does something,runs as fast as his short legs will take him,and laughs. Yup, he laughs. He has the talent to eat,nonstop all day long. And for some reason eating straight out of the garbage can is more appetizing than eating off a plate.(don't worry we now have a garbage can he can't get into!) They all three also have the talent of producing food. They come out of nowhere holding cookies, crackers, and even the occasional apple. Where did it come from? I have no idea! Maybe they hide them in their toy boxes or maybe they get them from under the bed. Honestly I don't know! They aren't suppose to even have food in their rooms and yet they come toddling in the living room and kitchen holding food and smiling...while they eat it. Yes the good Lord gave our children many talents and yes I do believe He has a sense of humor. Even though my kids have all these wonderful talents, I must say a day without the boy taking the vent out of the floor, Sweetie pie eating lotion, and Sweet pea getting toothpaste all over the bathroom(and her very long hair!) would in fact be a very boring day. So until my next adventure in chaos, or as I like to call it life, I pray you will be blessed, just like we are........JFowler

Monday, November 9, 2009

my boy turns one.....

Last Thursday my little blue caboose(name given to him by a cousin!)turned one. I can't believe that my BABY is one. When did that happen? Wow! I must say the past year has been one adventure after another! It was a year of all things new. A new house, Micah received a promotion, and of course a new(and unexpected by us, not God!)baby boy. He was such a cute little thing! He weighed 9 pounds and 4 ounces and was 20 inches long. He was bigger than the other babies in the nursery. In fact one nurse called him a bruiser of a baby. The little white t-shirts they put on them after they're born and after their daily bath was not big enough to fit him. Although somehow the nurses managed to stretch it around his tummy(and head....). He was and is such a doll. He is a mamma's boy!(not to be confused with a sissy!) He is all boy. He naturally loves cars, trains, and all things that have wheels. He loves to play ball and can magically be so in tune to the television that you have to call his name repeatedly to get his attention.(and yes I do think this is a male thing...sorry Micah but it's true! I LOVE YOU;])Anyway. I must say that I have been so blessed to have this beautiful baby boy in my life. As we go toward his next year of life, there will be things that I miss(sitting still in one place, crawling,baby food,etc. and just that fact that he's not a "baby" anymore)and even some things I won't miss.(the puking,the baby food, the bottles,the late night feedings..)I am excited about what God has in store for our family. And I am also excited about the ministry God has in store for him and his family.But there are two simple facts that remain, he is and will always be my baby boy(whether he likes it or not!)and that I will always love him! So happy birthday to my sweet little man, mommy loves you!;) until next time......JFowler

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

a lack of spoons and laundry overload....

Yesterday was an interesting day. It was Monday so we were dealing with our usual Monday routine.(With the exception of Micah who was off work and hunting.)You know clean up from Sunday, start the laundry, what to cook for supper,etc., etc.,etc. But for me it was a little bit of a sad day. It all started Sunday afternoon when we gave our changing table away. I know you're thinking a changing table why is that so sad? Well let me just tell you. This is the changing table that I used with all three of my children. I changed them all on it, they have all played on it, tried to eat the baby powder I stored on it, and even destroyed numerous boxes of wet wipes on it. This was more than a sturdy changing table, to me it was a memory table. As long as I had this table in my house I still had a baby around. It was there and so where my babies. Of course my babies are still here but they're older. And when I thought about this it made me so sad. Just last year I had three kids under the age of three and this year I have an almost four year old, a two year old and a one year old. How did that happen? I have always heard people say that time flies by and they'll be grown before you know it. Well apparently they (whoever "they" are)were telling the truth! Couldn't they lie just this one time?(Yes I know you shouldn't lie and yes I am teaching my children that!)Anyway for some reason this hit me hard yesterday. It made me want to crawl into bed and cry. Thank God I have three children and that couldn't happen. At supper time I was setting our supper on the table and was looking in the drawer for silverware and found one spoon, then I moved to the dishwasher and found a few more, for crying out loud where are all the spoons? Then I thought about the mound of clothes coming out of the baskets set in my room. Where is the housekeeper for Pete's sake? Doesn't she know I have a family to take care of? And then I realized hello you're the housekeeper. Hhhmmm. This isn't good. How can I dwell in sadness when my life is sitting before me. Then I looked at the table and I realized my life IS sitting at the table,Micah, sweet pea, sweetie pie,and the boy. While I was deep in my thoughts of how they weren't little babies any more, I had missed an entire day with them. I was here but was so preoccupied that I missed valuable time with my babies. I was upset that time had went by so fast that I forgot to take the time and enjoy them today. The bible says we only have today, we are not promised tomorrow. Then God reminded me of something else, that while yes they are older, they are also healthy and happy. We have not had to live at the hospital, we have a roof over our heads, clothes on our back, and food in our tummies. What do I have to be so sad about? Nothing. So with this new revelation that God has given me(and trust me he gives me new aha moments everyday!) I realize that they will grow up and it's up to me and Micah to teach them the right way to live. It's our job, that God has so graciously given us, to raise these kids to be compassionate, loving, morally sound, God fearing adults. So while I am now over my sad mood, I have decided I will enjoy every moment I have with them and cherish it forever. There will probably be many more days of laundry overload and a lack of spoons but there will never be the promise of another day. So I will live my life to the fullest, love with all God has given me and maybe even get the laundry done but today I will enjoy my babies! Until next time...JFowler

Thursday, October 29, 2009

aaahhhh naptime sweet sweet naptime....

The peace and quite of nap time rings in my ears everyday from noon until three. The time were the house is still and no one is stirring not even a sweet pea(who from time to time, more often than not, chooses to play "quietly" in her room). This is when all stay at home moms are faced with the age old question : Should I take a shower or should I nap? The debate that has been going on in my life for the past three and half years. Let's weigh our options. You can A.) take a shower and rid yourself of the morning(cleaning products, soggy animal crackers, snot,etc.) or you can B.) take a nap.(you could just change your shirt and that could be close to the same thing as a shower-right?) You do have the option of taking a long HOT shower until all the hot water runs out. This sounds good. After all, no one will need hot water until later in the night-hmmm-even more tempting. But then there's that nap. The couch calling your name, your favorite blanket tempting you with its warmth and comfort, and what's that on Lifetime-a romantic comedy? You mean I DON'T have to watch Yo Gabba Gabba again. Oh, what to do? What to do? The more I contemplate the more time I waste! Do I take the chance to take a shower longer than five minutes without someone calling mommy!!!MOMMY!! Or do I give in to the temptation that is a nap? Decisions, Decisions!!!!(Why must life be so hard???!!!) Then the light bulb in my head goes off!(please keep all comments about my light bulb to yourself!)If I take a quick hot shower then I can give in to the tempting couch and have my nap! That's it! Be clean and sleep! Who would have thought those two words could be in the same paragraph much less the same sentence! This just might work. (after all the six loads of laundry that are sitting on my bed have been there all week anyway-they can wait until tomorrow!) Joy pure joy runs through my veins! I take my hot shower and just as I lay down on my comfy couch with my warm blanket that's when I hear it-the sound that changes everything. That's right it's the boy calling-hey! hey! blejy fblehfjayf sahy.(that would be baby talk) Then I realize that naps and showers aren't joy(although they are REALLY close!) but that my smiling happy babies are. After all there is always tomorrow!:) Until tomorrow's nap time- JFowler

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why we don't do Halloween........

That's right you read the title right, we don't do Halloween. I'm sure there are a thousand and one questions rolling around your head. What? Are they crazy? Etc., Etc., Etc.... Well I've been asked this more than once and I actually enjoy the look of shock on some people's faces.( It's rather entertaining) but that's besides the point. So why have I decided to blog about our decision about keeping our children out of the always popular dressing up, candy getting, fun time holiday? We don't do things the same as a lot of other parents. I think a lot of people go through this life just doing what's always been done and never really knowing for sure what the history or purpose behind some things are. My husband has taught me by example to research anything and everything before you do it. Well growing up my brothers and I never participated in Halloween(and we never had to go to therapy for it- I'm just saying...). So it was a natural reaction when we had sweet pea to say oh, we don't celebrate Halloween.(By the way, Micah and his family stopped participating after they found out the history behind Halloween.) Well after having 3 children and having to say over and over again no we don't celebrate(and this is where people look at us in shock and then they look at you like, you're crazy aren't you.well.....) and I decided I needed to do a little research to back up our beliefs.( I needed a better excuse than it's the devil's holiday and I'm a Christian so that should explain everything.) So as you read I hope to enlighten you and give a better answer than in the past. (Warning: If I offend you, I should be sorry but chances are I won't be, so proceed with caution.) I'm going to give you some history and then also back it up with scripture, I encourage you to look it up check for yourself. As our pastor Brother Kenny says, " Don't take my word for it look it up yourself!"

The History of Halloween

Halloween dates back to the ancient Celtic festival called Samhain(pronounced Sow-in). They celebrated their new year on November 1. This marked the end of summer and harvest and beginning of the dark, cold winter. Often winter time was associated with human death, because of their worry of not enough food, will we be harm enough?, etc.(In Luke 12:22-26, Jesus says not even the raven worries about where his food will come from and how much more important are you than a bird?)They believed that on the eve of the new year that the boundary between the living world and the dead world became invisible and all spirits good or evil could cross over in to earth and do what they pleased.(2 Corinthians 5:1-10 says to be absent from our earthly bodies is to be present before our heavenly father. I personally don't believe spirits dwell anywhere. I believe if you die you stand in judgement before God and then you're sent to your final destination: Heaven of Hell.Hebrews 9:27 backs this belief up.) They thought the "otherworldly spirits" made it easier for the Druids(or the Celtic priests) to make predictions about the future.(Leviticus 19:31, Leviticus 20:6,Isaiah 8:19-22,and Deuteronomy 18:9-13, Jeremiah 14:14-16,all say not to participate in practices of sorcery, omens, withcraft, mediums or spiritist who consult the dead. God gave fair warning about this!) These predictions were a source of comfort and direction(Proverbs 3:6, Jeremiah 10:23 say God will give you direction- it's not your own.) during the long winter, they depended on them.(Proverbs 3:5-trust in the Lord not your own understanding) To commemorate the event the priest built huge bonfires where people would gather together to burn crops and animals as sacrifice to the Celtic deities.(1 Corintihians 10:18-22 says that pagans{followers of other religions other than Judaism or Christianity} offers sacrifices to demons not God and that you can't drink the cup of the Lord and of demons.Hebrews 9:11-28,Hebrews 10:11-14, say that Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice by giving His life in order to save ours.) The Celtics also wore costumes consisting of the heads of dead animals and their skins to scare off evil spirits and attempt to tell each others fortunes.(Genesis 15:1, Gen. 26:24,Exodus 14:13,Leviticus 25:17,Deuteronomy 20:3, Deut. 31:6,Psalm 118:6,Proverbs 3:7, 2 Timothy 1:7,Hebrews 13:6, 1John 4:18,Revelation 1:17. From beginning to end, the bible says fear nothing only God. This is not a "I'm scared fear-but a respectful fear-He is God! There is nothing more powerful than He!) In 43 AD the Romans had conquered most of the Celtic territory. They also had a similar celebration called the Feralia, on this day in late October they celebrated the passing of the dead. The Samhain and the Feralia were eventually combined and play a part in today's Halloween. In the early 800's the influence of Christianity came in the picture. In the 7th century, Pope Boniface IV, designated November 1 as All Saints Day. This day was to be a day to honor saints and martyrs. This was an attempt to replace the Celtic festival with a church holiday.(My opinion attempt failed who really remembers All Saints Day?)This celebration was also called All-Hallows. The night of Samhein began to be called All hallows eve eventually becoming Halloween. Halloween was brought to America primarily from the Irish who came to America to escape the potato famine. Over the years Halloween has become what it is today- a time for kids to go door to door and ask for candy, to dress up(Note: our kids play dress up all the time. They pretend to be princesses, animals and the occasional robot. I have no problem with them using their imagination. But they will not dress up and participate in a celebration that was meant to predict the future and scare off spirits especially when God gives us warnings about this all through the bible!)and even participate in fall festivals at churches nationwide. Some may say that Halloween is not what it use to be(true-thank God!) and all it is, is a time for kids to have some fun. Never the less our conviction is to not participate in this celebration( I also choose not to call it a holiday because I see nothing Holy about it. I have seen no trace of God in this celebration.) We are not perfect(for only God is perfect!)and we stumble and fall occasionally but as for me and our house we will serve the Lord. In closing my soap box I pray that the Lord will direct you and that you would choose to do what He wants you to do, just like we strive to do what He wants us to do. Until my next soap box is open....JFowler

Monday, October 19, 2009

Yes, I Still Get Butterflies.....

I was once asked, before my husband and I were married, if I still got butterflies when I saw him like I did when we were first engaged. Of course my answer was yes! I was in complete shock that the question was even asked. When I asked my friend why she asked that she replied that her mom didn't get butterflies any more with her dad. She said after 15 years or so she was, in more words, content. Now in my opinion being content is great but I was worried. What if the butterflies went away. What if we drifted from each other and things wouldn't be as good as at that very moment. Well fast forward five and a half years and I have the answer to those questions. The first answer, yes I still get butterflies when that awesome man of God walks in the room. My heart flutters when he calls me on the phone just to say I've been missing you today. My head still spins when he kisses me. The second answer is we are closer than we have ever been. The times and trials we have been through have made us inseparable. I can't stand when we aren't together and neither can he. Every moment is better than the last. Six years ago I was given a question that I was unsure( but faithful)if it would remain the same. Today I know beyond any doubt that every day will be better than the last. We may have issues but God gets us through them. We may have a bad day but we lift each other up. God knows we may be wrong a lot but we never tear each other down. So my new outlook on the question do you still get butterflies when you see your husband, my answer will always be: you better believe it! Until next time: JFowler

Friday, October 16, 2009

rub a dub dub 3 piggies in my tub.....

I know this pic doesn't go with the tub story but I'm anti-naked pics especially on the net!

Bath time at the Fowler house. There is no more of an eventful time at out house than bath and bed time. You would think after almost 4 years of bathing children it would get easier and a lot less messy. Well that's what I get for thinking! Bath time usually starts a little while after the kids eat supper and have had time to play. One parent would give the bath while the other would catch( which is exactly what it is since they are like slippery little fish) and get them dressed for bed. We use to put all 3 of them in the bath at once and did that prove itself a bad idea! We ended up just as wet as they did and a lot less clean! Not to mention the fact that the boy would try and sit on his sisters,which doesn't work since he would slide off their legs and straight into the water.(This is where I would have a slight heart attack because I thought he was drowning only to realize that he is laughing......hysterically.) So on top of the boy giving me heart attacks, sweetiepie would so nicely poor water over her head, causing her to loose her breath, and then so thoughtfully she would poor water over the boys head....that's right causing mommy to scream thinking yet again someone was drowning. Meanwhile sweetpea would try to lay down on her back in the tub where there is little room to move much less to lay down(especially with her long legs that stretch from here to eternity!) Then the fighting begins. While sweetpea is trying to lie down someone pulls her hair as hard as possible(that's right the boy!), sweetie pie is pouring water over her face and no one has been washed yet! Well the good news is we have now successfully found the right way to give them bath' at a time! This is not an amazing revelation, in fact it is so simple I'm a little ashamed to say we should have thought of this earlier! But just like the Luvs live and you learn! So now we go from youngest to oldest, one parent gives the bath and the other catches and dresses. While this is a much easier way to give three dirty piggies... I mean babies..... a bath we still end up wet(although not head to toe like before!) but hey, how can you not get a little wet when that's part of the fun! Until my next adventure....JFowler

Thursday, October 15, 2009

My little big girl.....

My little sweetpea is almost four years old! I can't believe time has went by this fast! I was holding her last night and thinking how much she has changed. Over the course of three and a half years she has gone from a beautiful black haired blue eyed baby to a beautiful blond haired blue eyed little girl(her hair changed colors on it's own people-i'm not a crazy toddlers and tiara's stage mom who tries to make her 3 yr old look like she's 25-eeewww!). She went from, as all babies do, from a little bity drooling, gas filled, spit-up queen, bundle of joy to a taller than most kids her age, smart as a whip, potty trained(can you hear the hallelujah chorus? because i can!) little girl! She knows the abc's, how to count to 20, how to count to 10 in spanish, she knows all her colors in 2 languages, and has an imagination like you would not believe! She is so amazing! Am i bragging on my oldest child-you better believe it! Now don't get me wrong, i'm in no way playing favorites. What kind of mother would i be if i had a favorite child?(psst, not a very good one, of course!) In spending a little alone time with just her last night made me realize how time really does fly. I realize I only have my kids for a season and one day they will be on the road God sees fit for them and I cherish every moment I have with my babies. I am so thankful for my little sweetpea, my sweetiepie, and my boy and the joy and craziness that they bring to our lives! Until my next revelation JFowler

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

things under the couch...

Who knew that so many things could gather under one couch and an oversized chair? I mean really! While preparing for Austin's 1st birthday party this saturday, I've been doing some much needed extra cleaning. And boy was it time! I always do a quick sweep under the couch and chairs in the living room but sometimes things get pushed to the back. On my wonderful adventure in cleaning I came across paci's that have been MIA for weeks, several of my wooden spoons that were also missing and no one knew where they were, one whole red potatoe(i have no idea how it managed to leave the kitchen and make it under my chair but some how it did!), a few toys and one beloved itchy chihuahua (one of sweet pea's favorite stuffed animals that for some reason she thought itchy would be a good name). So now after throwing things away(yes the potatoe) and sweeping away dust bunnies, my house is extra clean! I can't believe my baby is going to be one! (but thank God he is or else the potatoe would have been an issue in the next few weeks!) I realize I am more blessed than I deserve and thank God everyday for a wonderful family. So for now it's off the computer to do some more party planning. Until my next adventure.... JFowler

Monday, October 12, 2009

something new...

So I've decided to start a blog. It's not like I have nothing else to do but I think it would be fun to tell all the stories that my family goes through! I have so many especially since i live in a house full of type A personalities and comedians! For starters my sweet hubby is the king of one liners! He always has something to funny to say about everything! He is just amazing! Sweetpea is my little drama queen! She is passionate about everything. She also has the gift of gab. She talks from sun up to sun down, she even talks in her sleep! Sweetiepie is my little mommy. She loves to take care of babydolls or her siblings (which ever is available!). She also has her moments of drama- but i'm starting to think that is just a girl for you! Last but not least is the boy! He is just that all boy! He is as wide open as a case knife and always giving his sisters problems! I've always heard of boys eating ALL the time- but silly me thought we wouldn't see that until he was a teenager, boy was I wrong! I really don't know where he puts it! All three of my kids are the most loving children and always concerned about their siblings! It really amazes us! I know God has a mighty plan for them! I guess that's all for now, it's lunch time and if they don't eat soon- the meltdown will begin! Trust me it won't be pretty! Until next time- JFOWLER